Monday, September 20, 2010

Psychology Introduction

Hello, my name is Jordan Pomputis, I’m from Greenwood high school, and I’m a junior.  
The way I think about things, is by over thinking. I even tend to over think small, less important things. The reason I believe that I do this is because I feel that I won’t have as many unexpected things happen. I am a pessimist, so I always think about negative outcomes before I think about anything positive.
The way I am able to process information is by working with others. I find doing this helpful, because I am able to get their view on things. Also working with someone gives me the chance to explain my theories with them before I share that theory with others.
I learn best orally, doing it myself, or by repetition. I would rather be taught something then read it out of a book. I like being able to ask questions, and in my opinion teachers are able to explain things better than a book. I like to do things hands on, like in math I would rather work out mathematic problems, then watch the teacher or another student do it. My memory is not the best, so I’m constantly making flash cards, or reading my notes over, in order to memorize information. I’m also a procrastinator, but it works for me. I can do better on a test if I study right before the class, rather than if I study the night before. When I write papers I also end up writing them last minute.
I have five brothers and sisters, four of which are younger than me. They have all tested my patience, and put me in situations where I lose my temper (I’m sure I do the same for them). Now that they are growing up, and so am I, I have become a lot more patient and calm. I’m a very energetic person; I talk a lot, and love to constantly be doing something. I’m also a very sarcastic person, so I’ve been told.
            My biggest influence is my mom. My parents were divorced when I was younger, so she was the one who raised me. She’s always been my biggest critic, and she’s always been there to tell me when I’m slacking or doing something wrong. I live in a strict household, but I believe that this has helped better prepare me for when I live on my own.
          Even though my mom influences me, I do however take after my dad. From him I got his temper, loudness, and stubbornness, (not the best traits to inherit). I get along a lot better with my dad because we have a lot in coming. My dad has taught me to hunt and fish, two things that we enjoy doing together. Unfortunately I didn’t inherit his cleanliness, I’m a slob.
            The definition of psychology is, “the science of mental life.” In this blog I discussed the way I think, how I like to learn, processes that I use to learn, and so on. All which deal with mental life. A lot of times the questions I’m asked are more to do with my interests, so in order to answer these questions I had to really think about how to explain things. When I learn I don’t think about the way I learn, I think about what I’m learning. This blog helped me think about the way I like to learn, it also helped me develop knew learning tactics.